

BTD Technics works closely with some dealers abroad where the majority of the machines are sold. Besides these countries, machines are almost always offered, sold and delivered directly from the Netherlands.
On customer request, we will commission the machine at your site with explanations of how to use it.
Our vision is to inform and guide the customer with our specific knowledge directly from the beginning and to achieve 100% customer satisfaction.

Dealers in the Netherlands:

UniCom Oost BV
Contact: Mr. H. Breshamer
Holterweg 112
7427 RB Deventer
Tel.: +31 (0)570 – 503 800
Unicomoost contact

Pelgrom Hummelo BV (Region Achterhoek)
Contact: Mr. S. Ketelaar
Broekstraat 1A
6999 DE Hummelo
Tel.: +31 (0)314 – 381 842
Pelgrom contact

Fa. Oerstaal (Region GR-FR-DR)
Contact: Hr. J. Bijker
Hikkaarderdyk 31
9177 GA Jislum
Tel.: +31 (0)6-15033993
Oerstaal contact

Contact: Mr. M. Fritzsch
Rungstockstraße 24
09526 Olbernhau
Tel.: +49 (0)373 604 930 56
Mobil: +49 (0)162 683 567 7
Brennholz Technik Fritzsch contact

Dealers in the United Kingdom and  Ireland (North & South):

Ireland – North & South
TrimVale Machinery
Contact: Hr. P. Trimble
Craigavon, Co. Armagh
Tel: +44 (0) 77 4040 2356 ​
Trimvale Machinery contact

PJ Gaul
Contact: Hr. A. Gaul
Turriff, Aberdeenshire
Tel.: +44 (0) 7875 499259
PJ Gaul contact

England & Wales
B. Price MUS-MAX Specialist Ltd
Contact: Hr. B. Price
Ludlow, Shropshire
Tel.: +44 (0) 1584 891307
B Price Mus-Max Specialist Ltd contact

Dealer for France, Wallonia (*French-speaking Belgium) and Luxembourg:

Aterlier Noé Sàrl
Contact: Mr. Jean Fellens (speaks FR-DE-LU and EN-language)
Duärrefstrooss 32,
9780 Wincrange, Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 94 90 45
Mob.: +352 621 534 277
Atelier NOé contact

Dealer for Norway:

Robustmaskinsenter AS
Contact: Mr. F. van Loon (speaks also NL)
Desetveien 86
2450 Rena
Tel.: 0047 913 65 391
Robustmaskinsenter AS contact

Dealer for Czech Republic:

Contact: Ing. M. Lesina
Vosmíkova 900
396 01 Humpolec
Tel.: +420 565 534 076
Manatech CZ sro contact

Dealer for Switzerland

EZ Landmaschinenvertriebs AG
Contact: Mr. W. Christen
Bützbergstrasse 10
4912 Aarwangen
Tel.: +41 (0)62 922 68 01
EZ landmachinen contact

Dealer for Hungary

Hack-ker Épgép Kft.
Contact: Mr. K. Horváth (Speaks also DE and EN)
Fő utca 97
H-9624 Chernelhazadamonya
Tel.: +36 (0) 30887 0103
Hack-ker contact

Become a dealer to expand our BTD network:

BTD Technics attaches great importance to a long-term cooperation with satisfied customers. Satisfaction is the basis for customer loyalty, or the appreciation and assessment of your services or products. After all, this ensures repeat purchases, more sales, word-of-mouth advertising, positive references and ultimately new customers.
To be able to realize this we want to emphasize the quality, our specialism and experience.
The philosophy of BTD Technics is that ultimately the products have to sell themselves.

We offer:

  • High-quality machines developed in the Netherlands
  • Sales support
  • Technical guidance and support
  • Own sales area
  • Excellent service, clear communication and good reachability
  • Low prices

Are you interested in a dealership?
Please contact us via the contact form to discuss the possibilities.